== Using own concete types == [|Special case: Using own types in Collections and Maps.] Java's type erasure in action! === Server side === {{{ public interface Api { Param returnParam(); void passAsParameter( Param p ); } public class Impl implements Api { public Param returnParam() { return new ParamImpl( ... ); } void passAsParameter( Param p ) {} } }}} To use type Param, we have to make it XML-RPC compliant. We use java annotations and user-defined conversion operations to do this. - the @!XmlRpc annotation declares that type Param uses XML-RPC type ARRAY as transport representation - The interface {{{Convertable}} declares what specific java type is used for transfer via XML-RPC - toXmlRpc converts an instance of type Param into its XML-RPC representation - the constructor creates an instance of type Param back from it's XML-RPC representation {{{ @XmlRpc( type=Type.ARRAY ) public class Param implements Convertable> { public Param( Collection xmlRpcRepresentation ) { ... } public Collection toXmlRpc() { return ... } } }}} Now our type ist XML-RPC compliant! We can register the implementation as usual... {{{ WebServer xmlRpcServer = new WebServer( port ); xmlRpcServer.addHandler( "handlerId", XmlRpcHandlerFactory.createHandlerFor( new Impl() ); xmlRpcServer.start(); }}} === Client Side === Our client can be used without any extra statements: {{{ Api remote_api = XmlRpc.createClient( Api.class, "handlerId", host, port ); Param p = remote_api.returnParam(); Param asParam = ...; remote_api.passAsParameter( asParam ); ... }}} == Using own types in Collections and Maps ==