Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of ExampleUsingXmlRpcBeans

10/09/06 14:36:03 (18 years ago)



  • ExampleUsingXmlRpcBeans

    v1 v2  
    1 See [ How to use own typed in Collections an Maps]. 
     1== Using XmlRpcBeans in you API == 
     3What are XmlRpcBeans?? 
     6Sometimes parameter conversion is a straight-forward task which can be handed over to the XML-RPC runtime system. 
     7When a java class fulfills certain conditions (roughly, being a java bean with complatible types) it can be turned into a XmlRpcBean 
     8by annotating it with the @!XmlRpcBean annotation. It then can be used in every XML-RPC call without restriction. 
     9A XmlRpcBean must have 
     11  - a public constructor taking no arguments 
     13  - like a java bean: for each property which is supposed to be transported over XML-RPC there has to exist a public getter and setter method 
     15  - each peroperty type has to be XML-RPC compliant, that is it has to have one of the follwoing properties: 
     17   - it is a standard XML-RPC type 
     19   - it is annotated with a @!XmlRpc annotation and defines proper conversion methods 
     21   - a conversion mapping for that type is put at the XmlRpcBean (which then acts as an API itself) 
     23   - it is an XmlRpcBean (that is, XmlRpcBeans can be nested) 
     25See also [ How to use own types in Collections an Maps].