== Using Interface Types and Abstract Classes == The API is defined the same way as in the [wiki:ExampleUsingOwnConceteTypes preceeding use case]. {{{ public interface Api { Param returnParam(); void passAsParameter( Param p ); } public class Impl implements Api { public Param returnParam() { return createParam( ... ); } void passAsParameter( Param p ) { doSomethingWith( p ); } } }}} Since Param is an interface, the runtime system cannot create instances of this type without further information. We use the concrete attribute of the @!XmlRpc annotation to tell the Delight runtime-system what concrete type to use to create instances of type Param.[[BR]] In this case we use the concete class ''!ParamImpl'' to create instances of type Param (note that ''!ParamImpl'' has to be a Convertable and also has to implement ''Param''): {{{ @XmlRpc( type=Type.STRING, concrete=ParamImpl.class ) public interface Param { public String printContent() { ... } } public class ParamImpl implements Param, Convertable { public ParamImpl( String xmlRpcRepresentation ) { processXmlRpc( xmlRpcRepresentation ); } public String toXmlRpc() { return( createXmlRpcRep() ); } } }}} === Client side === The client can be created and used without further actions to take. No factories to register. No configuration files to load. Just like a lokal call to the API. {{{ Api remote_api = XmlRpc.createClient( Api.class, "handlerId", host, port ); Param p = remote_api.returnParam(); System.out.println( p.printContent() ); Param asParam = new ParamImpl(...); remote_api.passAsParameter( asParam ); ... }}} See also [http://delight.opendfki.de/wiki/ExampleUsingOwnConceteTypes#UsingowntypesinCollectionsandMaps How to use own types in Collections an Maps]. Examples in source code: [http://delight.opendfki.de/repos/trunk/XmlRpcDelight/src/examples/de/dfki/util/xmlrpc/examples/interfaces/]