Using Third Party Types in your API
Sometimes it is dicouraged to have any XML-RPC or Delight reference in an interface class. In order to still use this interface with Delight a ParameterConverterRegistry has been introduced. See also ExampleUsingThirdPartyTypes.
*** SOMETIMES DISCOURAGED *** @ConverterMappings( @Mapping(type=URL.class,converter=URLConverter.class) ) public interface Api { URL getHomepageLocation(); void addSite( URL url ); }
Alternative with ParameterConverterRegistry:
public interface Api { URL getHomepageLocation(); void addSite( URL url ); }
Now, without having to annotate the interface invoking the methods looks like this:
ParameterConverterRegistry.setParameterConverterForClass( URL.class, URLConverter.class ); Api remote_api = XmlRpc.createClient( Api.class, "handlerId", host, port ); URL homepageUrl = remote_api.getHomepageLocation(); InputStream is = homepageUrl.openStream(); ... remote_api.addSite( new URL( "http://middle.of.nowhere" ) ); ...
NOTE: Client AND Server have to register the converter prior to a remote call.
Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 07/28/09 18:21:07